That is a misconception! It is more about setting up cooperative goal structures of learning. For distributing justice following the three principles of equality, equity, and needs - as we can learn from the lifework of Morton Deutsch! Read more about this basic approach of Deutsch in Laurel Stevahn's chapter in one of our latest ABC for the cooperative discourse! Laurel Stevahn is one of the founders and cosponsors of NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
It is about restructuring the learning process. It follows the principle of mutual interdependency, as we can learn from the paradigmatic exemplar of Aronson's Jigsaw Classroom. Read more about this basic approach in Elliot Aronson's chapter in one of our latest ABC for the cooperative discourse. Elliot Aronson is also a member and cosponsor of NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
It is about creating micro-situations of cooperation. Spencer Kagan calls them situative micro-structures! Following the four basic principlesand the Seven Keys for Successof Kagan, you can conduct a CL practice to understand how interconnected the structures and team building are. Read more about this Structural approachin Spencer Kagan's chapter in one of our latest ABC for the cooperative discourse. Spencer Kagan is also a member and cosponsor of NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
Cooperative learning provides positive interdependence among the learners! David and Roger Johnson identified five key components of cooperative learning beyond positive interdependency! Read more about this basic approach in their chapter in one of our latest ABC for the cooperative discourse. David Johnson is also a member and cosponsor of NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
Even in heterogeneous micro-groups, non-cooperation occurs. Cooperative learning focuses on the power- and status-relation among learners with different backgrounds, creating complementary, partner-oriented behavior patterns like cooperative roles that they can practice in interpersonal relationships like classrooms or micro-groups. Read more about this basic approach of Elisabeth Cohen in the chapter written by Rachel A. Lotan and Nicole I. Holthuis in one of our latest ABC for the cooperative discourse. Rachel Lotan is also a member and cosponsor of NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
Our latest ABC about CL! Pioneering Perspectives in Cooperative Learning - Theory, Research, and Classroom Practice for Diverse Approach to CL. (Davidson, N. ed., Routledge, 2021, 267 pages) Read more about this volume!
That is a misconception. "With cooperative small-group learning in mathematics, the classroom blossoms into a vital intellectual learning community of engaged, communicative, supportive, thoughtful learners." Read more about this basic approach of Neil Davidson in his chapter in one of our latest ABC for the cooperative discourse. Nel Davidson is one of the founders and sponsors of NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
One of the most critical, "serious" lessons for the future is destructing discriminative power and status-relations in interpersonal relations! Through cooperative learning structures and partner-oriented, complementary roles of cooperation, anyone can restructure the learning process to achieve a higher level of tolerance, empathy, and academic achievement for all learners. Read more about this basic approach of Elisabeth Cohen in the chapter written by Rachel A. Lotan and Nicole I. Holthuis in one of our latest ABC for the cooperative discourse. Rachel Lotan is also a member and cosponsor of NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
Cooperative learning increases academic achievement, reduces achievement gaps, provides improved outcomes for students with disabilities, increases student satisfaction, increases time on task, decreases disruptive behaviors, increases prosocial behaviors, improves racial relations, decreases the probability of school violence, and provides massive, unintended training in social orientation. Read more about these shreds of scientific evidence from the Structural approach in Spencer Kagan's chapter in one of our latest ABC for the cooperative discourse. Spencer Kagan is also a member and cosponsor of NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
For gaining a high level of scientific literacy, you need the curiosity and engagement of the learners. You need to target scientific literacy through multiple representations of science. It would be best to create learning by doing science situations for your learners, providing behavior patterns, activity elements, and questions of scientific investigations. The most efficient interactive way is where dialogical teaching approaches could be cooperatively structured into the learning process. Read more about this approach and evidence in Roby M. Gillies's book! Gillies, Robyn M. Inquiry-based science education (CRC Press, Taylor, and Francis, 2020, 115 pages) Robyn M. Gillies is a network member and a cosponsor for NICLEE - the global network for cooperative learning.
Our latest ABC about CL! Pioneering Perspectives in Cooperative Learning - Theory, Research, and Classroom Practice for Diverse Approach to CL. (Davidson, N. ed., Routledge, 2021, 267 pages) Read more about this volume!
Gillies's book! Gillies, Robyn M. Inquiry-based science education (CRC Press, Taylor, and Francis, 2020, 115 pages) Read more about her outstanding book in our review!