In addition to joint publications, we would like to initiate new forms of cooperation between network members. The first of these new activities, designed to promote live dialogue is the NICLEE Round Table.
Pioneers, contemporary researchers, and developers from all major branches of the CL discourse came forward to support the creation of the NICLEE global network. In the past half year, we managed to create the conditions for the digital format of the network.
Recently, many network members were involved in producing two landmark volumes at Routledge. The first book, the Pioneering perspectives in cooperative learning: Theory, research, and classroom practice for diverse approaches to CL (edited by Neil Davidson), contains the summary chapters of the pioneers of the CL discourse. (This book is available in paperback edition!)
The other volume, the forthcoming Contemporary Global Perspectives on Cooperative Learning: Applications of CL across Educational Contexts (edited by Robyn M. Gillies, Barbara Millis, and Neil Davidson,), contains chapters by contemporary practitioners.
We reviewed the first volume on the NICLEE home page. We want to use it as a reference point in professional dialogues about CL. It is also our plan to publish reviews about the second volume.
In addition to joint publications, we would like to initiate new forms of cooperation between network members. The first of these new activities, designed to promote live dialogue, is the
NICLEE Round Table
We present a question and invite all network members to send a short answer (maximum 300 words). All answers will be published on the NICLEE website. We are confident that the activity's simplicity will allow extremely busy network members to clarify issues of interest to all and provide a vivid dialogue that will affect the CL discourse. We want to ask a series of questions, and network members also could suggest Round Table questions for the NICLEE network.
We begin with one question and invite network members to suggest questions for the NICLEE Round Table.
Here's the first question. You're invited to contribute your answer:
Is cooperative learning only a methodology or more than that?
What do you think?
Please send your answers to the address!